
Frequently Asked Questions

Answer all of your questions

Do I have to use my health insurance?

The University of KOMAR is offering a wide variety of benefits for faculty and staff. KUST provides sick leave, shared benefits leave, floating entertainment events, several paid holidays and other opportunities to take time away from work when necessary.
Information can be found on the Campus like Sport Hall, Cafeteria, stadium, car parking and cinema..
The staff and faculty members deduct part of their salary to Insurance office and staff can take a benefit from it after ending contracts. s.
Our section on Staff and Faculty handbook provides more information about holiday entitlements and taking leave procedures
You can apply for a parking permission from Admin and HR office and get the sticker to enter the campus. s
Hiring processes comprise these steps. 1. Searching ● Create and post job vacancy. ● Job opportunity. 2. Collecting the applicants’ CVs. 3. Short-list the CVs. 4. Choosing the best applicants. 5. Conducting the interview. 6. Language and computer test. 7. Selecting the best candidate. 8. Hiring. 9. Making an offer. 10. Qualifying process. 11. Holding orientation